Anyway. As you all know, Thanksgiving was this week! And for those of you that don't know what that's like in the MTC, please allow me to enlighten you! First we woke up and had breakfast, then had choir practice. We sang "Come Thou Fount" arr. by Mack Wilberg! I sang first tenor. That was a lot of fun. After choir practice we had a devotional given by David A. Bednar! How cool is that?? Then, just to add to the excitement, he passed out cell phones and had everyone text in their questions to his I-Pad! It was an amazing experience. My favorite quote from his talk was, "We receive no witness until after the trial of our faith." I really like that because as long as I have faith, I can make it through anything. After that, we had lunch, and a service project. For the project we made little bags of food for kids who might not have a Thanksgiving. It was really awesome. After that we had dinner, then a Thanksgiving program with lots of Missionaries performing. After that we got to watch Meet the Mormons! I was so glad I got to see that! Then they announced that they had a special present for us. We all went outside and they had all of these Christmas lights on! It was really amazing.
I forgot to mention that Elder Dallin H. Oaks also came on Tuesday! It was amazing!
I hope you guys are doing well. If you want feel free to shoot me an email. I love you guys, and I hope to talk to you soon!
Zach's travel itinerary to Tokyo (received 4 days ago):
I got my travel plans this week, so I thought I would just let you all know about them. I'm taking Delta Air Lines Flight #1857 to Seattle. That flight starts on Monday, December 1 at 8:30 am until 9:37. Then from Seattle, I take flight #167 to Tokyo Narita, Japan. That flight leaves Dec. 1st at 11:25 a.m., and I arrive in Japan at 3:15 pm on Dec. 2nd. I love you guys!

Elder Dunn as Supermissionary! |
Elder Dunn and Elder Tolen--MTC companions |
Sister Packard and a few other MTC Japan missionaries enjoying a beautiful day! |
Sister ___-Zarate and Elder Dunn enjoying a gorgeous p-day at the MTC |
Elder Tolen and Elder Clarkson |
Elder Tolen with BC9th Ward pal Elder Burgener |
Elder Tolen and Elder Matua |
Elder Burgener and Elder Tolen on Thanksgiving Night with the MTC lights |
Elder Tolen wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! |