Well. It's the middle of week seven in the MTC. It has been so crazy. It
feels like forever, but before I know it, it's another week. Ugh. Well.
Big news this week. I became the new and last District Leader for our
District (District 27B, the best one there is). It's kind of stressful
being D.L., but it's also a lot of fun.
So this week we got more kohai! Which means we're Dai-senpai, which is a lot of fun. It's kind of weird
to think about, but out of everyone at the MTC we have almost been here
the longest. That is kind of exciting. It's almost our turn to leave.
I don't know if you guys know this, but in the MTC, if one missionary
gets sick, all of them get sick. There was a huge flu going around, and I
happened to get stuck with it. Ugh. That was tough. I was throwing up
all day. It was pretty rough. But I made it through. I hope no one else
has to go through that. It was pretty bad.
Last Sunday I
got to sing in a quartet in Sacrament Meeting. That was a lot of fun.
I've never sung in a quartet before. Who knew it could be so much fun?
interesting thing: My birthday is this week. That's going to be
interesting, because it will be the first birthday I've ever celebrated
away from home. It should be pretty interesting.
I also got a package from the Hagens. It had 2 air fresheners, a Santa
hat, a stress ball, m&ms, Christmas lights, and a giant rice
crispy sheet. And a letter from Uncle Gary, and Jacob. It was so nice to
hear from them.
So I found out that it's okay if we do family history here at the MTC,
and it's really cool! I found out the my companion and I are related!
We're both related to a guy named "Grandmaster Boaz". How cool is that
name? So as I was looking at the family tree, I saw the
Great-Grandfather Loomis wasn't on there. So I added him, and now I can
trace my line all the way back to Adam and Eve on both sides! I think that's really neat.
One of the
best experiences I've had during my time at the MTC happened this week.
My Sensei, Cook 兄弟, took us up to the top floor of the highest building
on campus. In that building, there is just a wall of glass looking out
over the Valley towards Spanish Fork. As we're looking at this beautiful
sight, he points out the mountains on the other side by S.F. canyon. He
says, "You see those mountains over there? Are they big, or are they
small?" Every one being at least a little confused said, "Big..?" "Yes,"
He answered, " They are. Really big. I know that sometimes you have
problems, or stress, or you just don't know what you are doing, but God
created those mountains. He created those huge mountains over there. Do
you think he can't help you solve your problem? God can help us do
anything, whether it's homesickness, stress, or learning a new language.
Nothing is impossible with God."
I just want you guys to
know that I love you, and even if sometimes you can't tell, God does too. I
hope you are all doing well. I miss you, and if you're not busy, feel
free to shoot me an email. I love talking to all of my friends.
I love you guys
Elder Tolen
The Zone...a couple weeks ago. |
Elder Dunn modeling the new lights, Santa hat, and Krispies treat from the Hagens |